Summer Meddock

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A bowl of raviolis

I am hunched over a bowl of leftover Whole Food raviolis and red sauce, knowing full well the repercussions for my body after eating a bowl of wheat and cow dairy.  The reality is that I am famished.  It’s nearly 1:00pm and I've survived the day thus far, on a twice reheated homemade Nespresso latte while homeschooling our three kids.  At this point, I don't care… “Let the cards fall where they may”, I am eating the raviolis. 

In the last 15 minutes leading up to this moment of complete starvation (dramatic, I know), I’ve attempted to give myself a quick break while my kids have a snack.  I thought of this great idea… “I’ll film a quick makeup tutorial while I have some time!”  Who was I kidding!  Mom’s…you know how it goes; sit down to do something, get right back up to do another “something”.  My great idea quickly turned sour and prior to writing this, I spent 10 minutes cleaning Koia Horchata Smoothie off my velvet dining chairs, table and floor.  My youngest son knocked 12 oz of pure creamy nut milk and cinnamon clear across the table.  Apparently the Good Mythical Morning video they were watching was just THAT FUNNY (I am clearly not laughing).

A now clean dining room has left me desperate for food, anything but the remnants of my reheated latte.  With a crack of the tab on my newest obsession, Blueberry Hibiscus Topo Chico, I stand in the kitchen over this bowl of raviolis and red sauce pondering, “how do I move forward with the rest of my day?”.  The teaching isn't over and yet I feel like I’ve lost an entire day in a matter of minutes and I am mentally exhausted.  

The completion of our goals and tasks are not guaranteed, and while the days used to feel long, now more than ever the days feel fast, lighting fast.  I hold this scripture tightly for encouragement and I hope it can find a place in your heart too. 

“Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.” - Psalm 63:7

With love,
