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Welcome to my blog. My name is Summer and I love to share my adventures in marriage, beauty, style, home and travel. I hope you feel inspired!

Doubt, fear and uncertainty

March 26, 2024

Dear Diary,

Yesterday I felt so clear about growing this business of storytelling and creating. Something I’m both good at and passionate about. But today I’m overwhelmed by the doubt and confusion about which way to go, how to push forward, how to spend the limited hours of my day…and what about homeschooling, we’ve hardly done any.  The snow is back again, after having a week of warm sunny weather. I was feeling inspired for spring and summer and the thoughts of travel and warm weather, resort wear. But here we are. The ebbs and flows of doubt, fear and uncertainty making their debut. On time, like always. So where do I go with these uninspiring thoughts.  The one whose mission is to inspire others. What to do. I suppose it makes sense to share it, if I don’t,  I’ll hold this captive and I’ve seen captivity play out before. No thank you. Bye thoughts. Bye doubt. Bye fear. I’m sure I’ll see you again, but for now, be gone.


Moving to Park City: From Beaches to Mountains

A bowl of raviolis