Hey there!

Welcome to my blog. My name is Summer and I love to share my adventures in marriage, beauty, style, home and travel. I hope you feel inspired!

Living in Park City: Did We Make the Right Choice?

Let’s pick up where we left off on May 5 in my blog post:

“Moving to Park City: From Beaches to Mountains” 

If you have not read this story yet, I suggest reading it first, then popping back to this one!

The Jordanelle Reservoir is a little slice of lake heaven where crisp water views meet nostalgic mountainside resort views—a place where sunsets seem even more golden and magical. This was going to be our new home.

We found the lot we loved in a new community rich with amenities (and views, of course), and quickly opened escrow on our future forever home. Naturally, home building takes time, so we lined up a townhome rental in Park City, sight unseen, and prepared to pack up our life in Orange County.

During the process, we filed for two extensions as we patiently awaited the return of our business taxes. Our second request was denied, and the seller pulled out of the deal. We felt let down and disappointed. We were asking ourselves, “How is this happening?”

At this point, it would have seemed reasonable to throw in the towel and abort the mission. But I wasn't going out like that… this was the time; the time for change and, more importantly, the time for adventure!

Matt began second-guessing the entire process and our plan to move. I, on the other hand, saw the mission clear as day. Although we lost out on this dream lot and dream views, I stood steadfast in the pursuit of something new. ADVENTURE was all I could see. So we pressed on and packed up.

No looking back…

We have lived in Park City for three years, and we’ve survived some crazy snow seasons where we almost couldn't shovel our way out of the driveway. Turning up our snow-covered street equaled a time of prayer that God would get us home. I used to say, “I could never live in the snow”... LOL… boy, did I eat those words!

I have to admit, I never understood the allure and beauty of fall, only the mass marketing successes of pumpkin spice lattes and “cozy sweater weather.”

It wasn't until moving to Park City that fall was just a short time before Thanksgiving and Christmas. Living in Southern California my entire life, I did not experience seasonal changes; it was always spring or summer. Watching the colors of the trees change from green to vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow amazes me. Gosh, I love fall, and at this moment, as I type the words on this page, fall is only two months away!

Moving to a place where we didn’t know anyone, except the contractor we planned to hire for our dream home (laughing, kind of), I can’t stress enough the importance of finding a community for yourself and your family. Without the people in our lives, Park City would feel very lonely. For us, finding a good church was important; ultimately, we met many of the people we call friends today. Like anywhere, friends can come and go, and we have certainly had our fair share of friendship heartaches in the short three years of living here.

We miss the simplicity of seeing family throughout the week and morning walks on the sand. California was home for so many years and a beautiful place to grow up and start a family of our own. But as seasons change, our time in California changed also.

So what is it like living in a resort mountain town where temperatures drop below 20 in winter after living in the warm beach climate of Orange County my entire life???

REFRESHING!!! The weather changes, family activities are endless, outdoor summer concerts, camping, trails and nature all around us…. rafting through the Provo River, pool days, powder days, snowman contests, sledding extravaganzas, BBQs, moose sightings, and what about the things we have yet to scratch the surface on, like cross-country skiing!!! I’m tired just thinking about it!

So, let me ask you:

What is holding you back from your next bold “YES”? 

Maybe the decision(s) in front of you are more closely related to business or growing a family. Whatever it is, remember that you can have peace even when you're scared. You can do things without knowing the full picture or outcome.

Your faith will carry you past the start line, but you need to sign up for the race.

I’m leaving you with three simple questions (linked below), to help guide you in determining your next steps. Page two is left blank intentionally so you can customize the question section to your liking.

Please use this free download at your leisure. 

Until next time, stay inspired and keep exploring!

With Love,


Kids Can Do Hard Things

Seek peace when life is chaotic