Hey there!

Welcome to my blog. My name is Summer and I love to share my adventures in marriage, beauty, style, home and travel. I hope you feel inspired!

Home: Cultivating Restfulness

The energizing aroma of mango-coconut transports me back in time, to a place where "elementary-aged Summer", ran free-spirited and carefree through the twists and turns of a tropical paradise, jumping from pool to pool, one slide to the next. The sounds of the white water rapids carry the laughter and joy of worldly vacationers alike. From the hot tub cave to the infamous grotto, where the savory cookies-n-cream smoothie could turn any frown upside down, The Grand Wailea Maui is a place of happy and playful memories with my family. A place where my only concern each day was to make sure I perfected my back flip off the Tarzan swing and shared the magic of the grotto smoothie with as many friends as possible (all compliments of dad’s room #).

We respond to our surroundings. Whether high or low, nostalgic or traumatic, our surroundings can take us to a place of fluttery feelings, or complete chaos. It’s important to mention, that trauma, and the triggers associated, take time to heal through. If you need support during this valuable process, I will link some great resources at the end of this post.

Giving time and intention to our home is a practical and effective low-hanging fruit, that is valuable and worth addressing. Our home has the potential to bring calm to our minds and joy in our hearts. It is where memories are made and dreams come to pass.

I want to help you create an environment that supports these vital components so you can live with a sense of restfulness in your home, and have time to do more of what matters.

Here are 4 steps I recommend, to cultivate a restful home:

1) Identify

  • Think about a time, vacation, or trip, where you felt the absence of chaos or disorder. A time when you could stop to hear the birds sing, or watch the trees dance in the breeze.

  • DO: Pick one positive word to describe this feeling. Write this word on a post-it.

  • Examples: light-hearted, rejuvenated, excited, happy, productive, clarity

2) Reflect

  • What do you appreciate when staying at a 5-star resort, a boutique hotel, or a quaint bed & breakfast?

  • DO: Write this sentence on a post-it.

  • Examples: the perfectly tucked and crisp white bed linens, the quaint reading nook nestled below the window, the mood lighting and warmth of the bedrooms, the bright color wallpaper, the well-appointed spa-like bathroom, the scent of neroli and vanilla

3) The Goal

  • Bring steps 1 and 2 together into one sentence and think about which room in your house, needs this “experiential touch” the most.

  • DO: This is the “big-picture” goal! Now write this goal on a post-it.

  • Example: To feel rejuvenated in the morning, I want to create a bed that I can sleep well in, with tightly tucked crips linens. To gain more clarity each morning, I need to create a space in my house by a window where I can read my book with coffee each morning. I will apply a beautiful floral wallpaper to my living room because it will bring a smile to my face, and remind me of the things that make me happy.

4) Action

“Everything we hold onto physically also holds space in us emotionally.” (ooof!)

  • Pray for the courage to step into action

  • Tape your big-picture goal post-it to the wall!

  • Emotionally detach yourself from things that hold you back from the goal - refer to your post-it

  • Don’t let the first step stop you!

  • Determine if there is a budget for this space

  • Is there an eyesore in this space? Remove it. Does this space require a professional’s help? Call them. Do you need the kids help to make donation piles? Involve them.

  • Read your big-picture goal again!

  • If there is a purchasing budget, analyze what needs to be bought to make the biggest impact. Don’t be afraid to return something if it doesn’t work in the space.

  • Plan a day for Donate & Dump (see below)

  • Take steps for daily progress and picture the end goal

Donate or Dump!

1) Grab two empty buckets and place them in your space.

2) Label one “DONATE” and one “DUMP”.

3) Fill the buckets with items from your space that fall into either category.

My Storage Bucket Rec’s below

You can do this. Your heart space and joy are waiting for their moment to shine!!

I mentioned at the beginning of this post, that I would provide resources for trauma healing and recovery. Please find those resources below and feel free to reach out with any questions or prayer requests.

Until next time, stay inspired and keep exploring!

With love,



REBOOT Recovery - Trauma Healing for Everyone

Seeing Beautiful Again: 50 Devotions to Find Redemption in Every Part – P31 Bookstore

Alicia Britt Chole | Navigating the Night | Rebecca Weiss Podcast

Storage Bucket Recommendations:

Home Depot heavy duty for garage or basement

Target clear and sturdy for indoor lighter-weight use

Dear Diary: Waiting Sucks

Red Light, Green Light