Hey there!

Welcome to my blog. My name is Summer and I love to share my adventures in marriage, beauty, style, home and travel. I hope you feel inspired!

Red Light, Green Light

You know the game!  Stand in a line and wait for the “person in charge” to say GREEN LIGHT!  Run, run, run, as fast as you can, until they say RED LIGHT!!!  Don’t you dare get caught moving when they say “red light”, otherwise you're OUT!!

That “stop go, stop go” motion in real life sucks, am I right??  Ya, I’m talking about sitting in traffic jams on the 91 freeway (where’s my California people at??), but I’m mostly referring to the jammed-up feelings inside our hearts when we are forever waiting for the things we’ve longed for.  

Our kids have been asking for a dog for so long, and the answer has been “no, not now” and STILL IS “no, not now” (I’m chuckling as I write this, but I don’t know why LOL).  I HATE saying no, because the truth is, I want a dog too!!  But I know what this means for us, I know what the lovingly, beautifully messy, responsibility of owning a pet, looks like; And this is not something Matt and I want to add to our plate right now because we know it would add a level of care and commitment that we are not available for.  As much as the kids say “we will take care of the dog!”.... I know that conversation very well because I had it with my parents too… and I know how that story ended up (sorry mom and dad!)

Waiting is frustrating, but the dream is often much too good to let go of… hear me out…

I’ve been dreaming about, and micro-planning in my head, where our future home will be and what it will look like.  I’m talking about my DREAM HOME, the one where I picture my kids running in the huge open backyard, the dream home that is layered with beautiful architectural stone, statement light fixtures, cozy and warm furniture, and ample space to host and fill-up with our dearest family and friends.  It’s the place I never want to leave because it feels so good to be there.  

Somedays I feel so close to this dream. Then the next day comes, and I am reminded of the financial need and undertaking.  I’m reminded of how we are still building a business from another state and feeding that growing baby.  At times, it feels like a gut punch, and my heart breaks a little.

What we have right now is good and it works, and on hot days I am thankful for the air conditioning that alot of Park City homes don’t have, and our friends live close by which we love!  There are many things I am thankful for.  But it’s still not mine. It’s not the vision and dream I’ve had in my heart and mind for soooo many years.

Often we wrap our longings into other things to occupy our time or give our attention to something to fill the void of the red light.  I love this quote by Charles F. Stanley, “Our willingness to wait reveals the value we place on the object we’re waiting for.” So how do we wait well??

How do we keep the dream alive while all the lights ahead say RED?  How do we know to keep pressing on towards the goal when the traffic jams keep slowing us down?


Endure the waiting well, pray with confidence that God has already paved that way forward, take steps, don’t become stagnate, and stay faithful in all you do as working for The Lord - Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV)

Waiting, making difficult decisions, and new transitions can be difficult.  If you need encouragement around making a big decision, download my free Q&A template here.  I hope by reading this post, you are encouraged and feeling less alone in your red light, green light moments.  Remember, wait well, but don’t become stagnate.

Until next time, stay inspired and keep exploring!

With Love,


Home: Cultivating Restfulness

Life Update + Something New in the Works